Monday, February 18, 2008

on Texas & the Zimmerman's, Fort Worth, TX (Fri.2/1-Tue.2/5)

Welcome to Texas, now let me by or get run over...

I declare that all drivers are rude everywhere in the US – Minnesota nice doesn't apply to driving, but with that said, So far in our travels, the North East has the rudest and most impatient drivers. Texas has a unique unwritten rule that you need let other people pass on a two lane road by moving yourself off to the far side to let them go buy. It seems like a good “rule” really, but when the speed limit is 70 on a 2 lane road with a small shoulder, the options for me and my camper are limited. I figured out this rule (and confirmed with Jason when we got to Fort Worth) after getting honked at and nearly run off the road after not letting people by. After someone honked and cut me off, followed by a Semi that about clipped my nose as he “merged” back in after passing, I knew I was doing something wrong. The problem was that there weren't any options – that fact and Minnesota plates didn't detour the other drivers from showing their displeasure.

The state motto is “Friendship” but driving is a different story. Besides this "pull over or else" rule, I didn't think Texan drivers were worse than anyone else, but since I drive with a big camper, I'm giving Texan drivers my lowest score of ½ stars (out of five).

I played the “monster” at the local playground (where you need to count before coming and attacking) and it got me wondering... Do you count One Mississippi, Two Mississippi when you're in Texas? Maybe it's One – Hail to Texas, Two – Hail to Texas... or One – Sam Houston, Two – Davy Crockett... Texas native, Kimberly didn't recall a specific saying but maybe just a generic one one-thousand, two one-thousand sort of thing.

New big house they will be moving into next month... in case they have sextuplets – they will be ready (Kim has only one in the hopper or so she says – not to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but nobody has seen an ultrasound).

“Look at the size of this monster” (said in my best Crocodile Hunter interpretation). My wide angle camera wasn't wide enough to capture their new house

We didn't get a great family picture as both families were all getting sick at slightly different times, but it was still fun to see our Texan fam. Thanks for a great Super Bowl party and thanks for having us!

Kobe and 2nd cousin Kasana

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