Great travel morning – the boys are doing so well! Close quarters but they're keeping busy with Adventures in Odyssey tapes, reading, puzzle/activity books, watching the map/GPS software on Graham's computer. After “sweating” up the campsite, we took a dip in a chillier part of Lake Superior but it felt so refreshing after baking at our unshaded campsite. I made our first dinner in the crockpot (sweet and sour meatballs) so besides five minute rice, that was ready when we got back (you can't beat the crockpot for that!). We hustled to try to make a guided hike with a naturalist from the park up to the old viewing spot for the Lake of the Clouds. We missed the group but did it ourselves (300 yds. up).

Then we drove to the less exhausting viewing area around the other side. While there, we looked to the west and saw Copper Peak ski flying hill and had a bout of nostalgia – Graham and I honeymooned here almost 14 years ago exactly (anniversary 7/31, honeymoon Whitecap Mts., WI with a side trip into MI). I'm quite sure, standing in this spot 14 years ago, we could not have imagined what the future would hold (4 sons, Graham's brain injury, this trip, to hit the biggies!).

7/31 More fond memories as we created new ones today – we made the one hour trip to Copper Peak and took the ski lift over 300 feet up the mountain, followed by an elevator ride 18 stories higher, near the top of the ski jump. Graham took the boys to the tippie top – I had to pass on that extra 50 feet. Incredible views, though – three states and, on a clear day, Canada too! The temps were beastly though, even hotter the further we went up. We ate our picnic inside the chalet as we talked to Betty, the volunteer who helps keep the place going, along with her husband. After chatting a bit, she went behind the counter and pulled out a slightly flawed sweatshirt and gave it to Elan.

We went up the dirt county road past Copper Peak to Black River Harbor and did a quick dip (the boys got everything but their clothes wet) and quick hike to Rainbow Falls.

On our trip back, we slipped into a little town and dropped a package at the post office in Bergland, MI. Supper was a fantastic “Perkins Breakfast” of leftovers from Sunday with the Carey's – pancakes, bacon, eggs and fried potatoes. We left Graham nursing a headache to attend an outstanding presentation on Michigan's big three – moose, gray wolf and black bear at the visitor center. It was college-lecture style but so interesting the boys' were totally tuned in and had amazing recall when I quizzed them later for Graham (even Kobe and Shae). We're getting into a routine for packing up – had the screen tent down, bikes put away, all my homey decorations stored before bed tonight.
1 comment:
Hi Spesh KGLESK,
Thanks for the blog entries and Mom's opportunity to talk to KLE today (Sunday)! Hope your travels to Ohio tomorrow are uneventful and safe . Levi - thanks for the cell message for grampaw. I will try to call Monday because we thought Mom and Dad were "out" on Sunday night and would have the cell phones. We are biking with Bruce and Vicki Monday and are meeting in Evansville at 7:30 am. Love you much!! Grm and Grp xoxoxoxoxoxo
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