More friends -- historical sites are great but I think the people will be the highlight of this trip! Graham and I have known Rob and Karen since Univ. of MN days when Karen was my bible study leader. I'm so glad the Lord gave us this friendship too -- including hubbies and kids! We spent a steamy afternoon on Tues. at their local beach before the Naim girls had tennis practice and Karen and I loaded up on snacks for the Columbus Clippers baseball game (triple A farm team). Yes, in Ohio, they let you bring snacks into venues like this. Plus tickets were buy one/get one AND Donatos pizza was $1/slice. The home team won and everyone had fun -- we did take an awful lot of trips to the air-conditioned gift store without buying anything.

Wednesday flew by -- Graham and our three oldest and Rob and Mitchell traveled to Dayton, OH to the Wright Patterson Air Force Base and Museum. The girls and Kobe had "office time," a nice lunch and a little craft time before the guys came home. Despite the heat, we got the backyard fire pit going and had smores after supper. As the kids were heading to bed, Karen pulled out a picture book that is one of their family favorites and had me read it out loud (I always wanted to be a librarian). It's pretty entertaining, especially to read out loud, if you can get your hands on it -- Skippy JonJones. They even had a spare copy to add to our RV library.
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