Group hike at Jefferson Falls -- the big boys went right up the river, lower because of the dry weather, while Sara and I took littler ones up on the trail adjoining. We made another family very nervous when we reached the falls and the boys continued climbing up and up and up!

We took the scenic route through Stowe, Vermont (big skiing town) to Waterbury where we stopped in little shops and got to sample 8 kinds of cheese, chocolate, apple jellies and spreads. Cheap lunch! Top it off with the Ben & Jerry's sample at the end of the factory tour. Yummmmmy. All six of us highly recommend Cinnamon Buns, a new 2007 flavor. Elan is pictured in the "flavor graveyard" -- whenever they introduce a new flavor, they retire an old one. Luckily, I never met a flavor I didn't like!!
Dear Samuel, thank you for the post card. I found the book Skippy Jon Jones. We will read it. This summer I rode my bike, went to the beach, and rode the train. Also, I ate sushi and made oragami with Mommy's friend from Japan. Soon I will go to the apple farm. What is your favorite part about Vermont? I like the pictures on your website. I miss you. Love, Samuel
The previous comment should have begun with Dear Kobe. Whoops! Sarah Swartzendruber
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