We had our first work/errand day of our trip on Friday. Graham, Levi & Kobe went to do our laundry (! - 4 loads) while Elan, Shae and I got camping and household essentials at Walmart. Then a quick trip to the grocery store (while Graham folded laundry in the back of the pickup) before we got to hook-up with our great friends, the Carey's, at Buffalo Valley campground. We were within earshot of a very active railroad track which made sleeping interesting. Elan stayed in the Carey's pop-up right between Kyle and Carston.
Saturday we enjoyed a gorgeous day on the shore of Lake Superior – the swimming was very temperate and Bart's ice cream recommendation was delicious! Graham committed our first drive by internet – stopped at red light in Duluth he got enough bars on an unsecure router to do a send/receive. Hobo dinners worth waiting for and smores of course.
Sunday we (team effort) made the Perkins breakfast – Bart – pancakes, Lorelei – eggs and me – bacon. Graham kept the kids busy playing the golf ball game. After we cleaned up and checked out (if only it went as quickly as I write that!), we went back into Duluth to Canal Park. We decided against the William Irvin ship/sauna tour and had another round of ice cream (Tugboat, this time). After a toasty walk on the boardwalk, we had a curbside picnic and said our good-byes. Last bit of home and out of Minnesota until...??
We were supposed to head to our next campsite in UP Michigan but realized it would be after dark so we did our first overnight in a Walmart parking lot (Ashland, WI). We tried to find internet but no luck. The sleeping was just fine!
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