Levi, Elan and I signed up for a photography class in Yosemite. We kept good records this time and the trip from our campsite to the Valley in Yosemite is 48 miles, taking 1 ½ hours and totaling 380 turns.
We knew we'd be a bit out-gunned but not everyone had huge cameras and tripods... there were 3 of us anyway who didn't.
The class started at 9:00 so we could get to this waterfall's rainbow which only lasts about 10 minutes. This did mean we had to leave our campground at 7:00 but with the boys fully Dramamine'd, we were all set.
The class was good, but much of it was over my head (so to speak). I still tend to overexpose, but manage to accidentally get some good pics every once in a while. We picked up some good tips and it was great to do together.

It was hard to say goodbye to Yosemite.

A+ on the pictures! Yosemite is my favorite place in the entire world. Well, that used to be true. Now that we are full time, wherever we are is my favorite...
My kids were 10 and 12 and had never been to the Grand Canyon. That was the beginning of the "Grand Adventure" because the kids were getting grown up so fast... and there were some things like the Grand Canyon that I would have been embarrassed if we hadn't done before they moved on to their grown up lives.
At Lake Conroe in Texas -- NASA tomorrow.
Mary Ann - FOTR
Unbelievable pics, Graham! I'd like to schedule my children's pictures for the next 5 years with you...check the calendar and let me know what works. I can't believe how much the windy roads are affecting the tummys of everyone. A good thing to remember in case we ever get out there!
Oh, I forgot to tell you when you left, if ever you're in need of some Listerine toothpaste, I've got an extra little tube just sitting in the drawer gathering dust...I'd be happy to mail it to you.
Love ya.........your sis!
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