Before we made it to the zoo... The previous night we stopped at an “Information” desk downtown San Diego. This was a bait and switch deal that was trying to get you to show up to hear the spiel for a time share. We haven't done one of these before but I know how painful they can be... however, they were offering us free zoo tickets, which for our family costs about $140.
So we show up downtown again the next morning to hear the shtick. It was Monsters Inc. for the kids and then they started in on us. As we were approaching our 2 hour time limit, we were being asked repeatedly whether we were going to buy in. After several “This sounds good, but it's not the best for us right now”, they continued to verbally barrage us. I pointed out to the lady that the invitation says that it will not be a “high pressure sales push”. The lady replied “It says that?” After laughing a bit, Kim helped me find it and showed it to her in their print. Too funny... They had good popcorn, cookies and a free movie for the kids. After saying “No” to this person's supervisor and the next one up, we made it out with our zoo tickets... free at last, free at last. We should also get a couple free golf clubs, 2 nights in Colorado, and 2 nights stay in Vegas. If these don't turn out, that's ok. We're off to the zoo!
The world famous San Diego Zoo... well, we agree it's a great zoo.
Besides the sea lion which we enjoyed, I decided not to post pictures of the animals that we saw on the blog. Instead, how about kids looking at animals that we saw at the zoo.
Camels don't actually “spit” (at least not the way I define it) but rather fling their saliva from their mouth. It's more like aggressive drooling. This one did lots of both passive and aggressive drooling.
The boys, author not excluded, were amazed at how much and how long a camel can urinate.
Saying "No" to the kids at the gift store and the ice cream stand is easy now -- we just said “No” to professional, high-pressure, guilt-flinging, shame-piling, advanced trained beggars this morning.

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