The pier had many cool ships to go through. After clearly establishing that we were not going to play hide and go seek on the boats, it was a great tour for the whole family.
As you can see, home school is really going well...
One ore out of the water... and the boat... Luckily Kobe has Shae as his captain to bark out the orders.
Shae and his search for knowledge... and his shoe. While the search for knowledge hasn't ended (though it almost did), the shoe was recovered.
The line was a bit long for the cable cars so I, rather loudly, explained to the boys the many fatal accidents the cable cars have had over the years. I heard that the cable hasn't been checked in a long, long time... I hoped this would thin out the line a bit but, sigh...
I believe it is the only cable car system still running. As popular as it is, I think it will run a bit longer. At least until the cable breaks. The boys loved it and wanted to hang out the side which wasn't allowed.

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