Merry Christmas and Happy New Year – sorry I dropped off there with no posts. We briefly entertained the idea of not going home for Christmas, but we are too tied to family to let that happen. It was great to be home again.
The dealer in Georgia fell through, so we left the RV in Kentucky. Unfortunately we had to winterize it, but it wasn't too hard with advice from Mike and written instructions from Gary. We drove straight through from Kentucky to Minnesota – I hate the feeling of replacing sleep with 3 Mountain Dews and lots of junk food... but it puts miles on through the night.
If you cut down the tree yourself (from the backyard) and let the kids decorate it...

You too can make a tree this beautiful...

We got our white Christmas!
Our family's favorite movie is National Treasure, so we had to go to part 2 (in Cold Spring with the cousins).
Christmas run-on sentence, brain-dump summary:
Elan's Nova class party, Levi at Will's, sleepovers with Rob and Amy and Careys, Holidazzle/8th floor Macy's, supper with Norm and Eric, made popcorn balls and taffy, watched basketball, watched Lee and Rob officiate (they are excellent at this), Christmas at the farm, party w/ cousins Rick & Glenn and Zimms, Christmas in Cold Spring w/ great grandmas, 2 new cameras in the family (apparently 5000 pictures in 5 months wasn't enough so 2 kids will join the fun - on the plus side, when I mention the 5k pics and each one having a story, nobody asks to see them), add one mp3 player and a Leapster.

Thanks for the blog update!
Graham - great pictures and narrative
as usual. Christmastime was terrific and Bobo and I are already looking forward to the "meet up" in Mesa in February. GramPaw
Hey family!
Wow, was Christmas great this year! It's hard to believe you're off for another 5 months. Hope it warms up down in Florida...if you had wanted frost and 30 degree temps, you could have stayed here!! We love you and miss you a bunch. THE JARAMILLOS
The two officials in the picture haven't noticed nearly as much heckling from the crowd since the Nelsons left. They are wondering if it was the Nelson/s in the stands that were stirring up all the trouble???
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