Cape Canaveral, we made it and get to spend some time with my brother and his family - It was a tight fit... – square peg, square hole I guess (square driver?)

Parking with a shoehorn.
Saw the ships heading out – Sunday nights at Port Canaveral

We had a couple nice days when we got to FL but then headlining the news was a chance of snow flurries for half of Florida.
We did get some record colds in Florida – I'm not being blamed for this because my brother is here from Alaska – we all blame him, he's the guy with the “Alaskans for global warming” t-shirt (I'm the guy with the “Stop global whining!” t-shirt.
The cold didn't stop some shuffle-boarding in the rain. We were the only people in the whole place. “You must be from up North”, said the lady behind the desk.

The kids don't mind the water. Meanwhile, I'm freezing, wishing I had my wet suit from Minnesota.

The boys getting to wrestle with their uncle – this is good on a couple fronts #1 – they love to wrestle, #2 I love to wrestle but the kids love it more so this is a break for me, #3 we are not in our “paper house” where wrestling is not allowed

1 comment:
Hey Minnesota Nelsons, what a great vacation! That was the best in recent memory. Have fun on the rest of your trip. Looking forward to your Alaska visit (???) It would make a great crescendo to your trip......
Uncle, Brother, Brother in law- Dayton
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