Besides sticking you with a toll to go on this road, there's nothing not to like. We did about 70 miles of the 100+ miles on the “official” road that runs the ridge of the blue-ridge mountains in western Virginia.

We got to throw some first-of-the-season snowballs, I was reminded how much I love the Leberts as Ed pegged me with a beautiful bounce off the top of the car to the side of the face snowball throw – nice shot, Ed.
Unfortunately we had to say goodbye to the 4 Leberts: Ed, Amanda, Digory, and Shelby. We missed going into West Virginia by 30 miles – that might cost us in the quest to see the lower 48... sigh...

What a great bunch of pictures!! The scenery is amazing, but the family shots take the top spot in my heart. Miss you guys and love you a bunch!!
Duplicate Bobo's comments from Arizona! Looking forward to talking to you this weekend. Lade - thanks much for the Thanksgiving Day call.
Love you all! GramPaw
What a marvelous picture of the 5 of you jumping....... love it !
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