This was our first outing with the Leberts -- friends, neighbors on Edmund in St. Paul, dear brother and sister in Jesus. They arrived in DC on Wed. and treated the boys to an awesome Halloween at a hotel with swimming pool, pizza and wii. Thursday we joined them as they moved into their apartment and then the zoo and slumber party at their place Friday. We love a little "Minnesota" on the east coast!
Grammer and Kimmer,
So great to hear that you are doing well. I was just thinking of you and prayed for you today. Fall is finally behind us, and I think we can breathe a bit. Not much new around here - boys are busy with youth group, sports, and their friends. David has a job now at the new Super Target. Carole is always a busy, industrious person... I think my role in the family is to slow everyone down a bit - with my IQ, that's about all I can do :).
Calvin's soccer team won their league championship - they went undefeated on the season. They were dominant. Cal played goal about 1/2 the time, but there would be entire halves where the other team did not get a shot on goal. One game, I'm not even sure the made it to the goal at all. He was one of the youngest on the team, and will have to step it up next year to keep the legacy going.
Just preached on a series on Maleness and Femaleness - it was great! Always raises a bit of a concern for some, but all in all, people were very interested and excited about it. Doing 6 weeks on Ruth now.
Hope you are well. We sure miss you guys, and hope you are having an absolute ball!
Trike for the Trikes
Hey Nelsons, I had no idea Koala bears where so rare in zoo's but apparently they are because i couldn't even find it in the picture. Is it next to the Panda Bear somewhere?
Thanks for the positive, non-shaming, edifying, constructive words... I'm going to guess Dresser...
i own a dresser, i dress. but am neither a dresser nor dor i wear dresses
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