One of my favorite, and most often used “tools” of the trip is my GPS receiver and software. I bought my first GPS from Steve Tanamachi and I've been hooked (addicted) ever since. Since my reading of about 25words/min doesn't allow me to read most street signs – this baby is my reading eye dog (so to speak). DeLorme Street Atlas 2008 is my current version of software. Kobe can perfectly imitate the software as it says in a monotone voice “off route, recalculating” after I have missed a turn – sigh... unfortunately it's happened enough for him to learn it. We went by the headquarters for DeLorme and stopped in to see the world's largest globe. And look at some maps... Kim and I really like maps...
Note Levi and Shae's best Atlas impersonations

Our current location outside of Portland, ME
DEAR Levi,Elan,Shae and Kobe
Sorry I Didn't get to you earlier. Yeah horsecamp was really fun I went with my best friend Libby.We got to shoot beebeeguns and bow and arrows.We slept in wagons ate in a cafeteria and there were 3 really funny boys named Daniel Hunter and Garrett (not our Garrett).My favorite part of camp was riding on the horses.We went on a different trail every day.My favorite horse was a chestnut with a black mane and a white line on its face.At the last day of camp we had a contest to see who could ride there horse in a ring as fast as they could.Oh, I forgot to tell you, every evening we tried to make our wagon as clean as possible so in the morning a horse named Duke would come in our wagon and in the afternoon he would tell us how we did.Also in the afternoon the mail we got came from a guy on his horse.To get it we had to sing a song.There were about 20 kids who got mail and I was one of them!We've had this German Shepherd come to our yard the last couple days dragging big sticks around the yard!Its really funny(Sheba is her name).Yesterday she dragged this big "2 by 4" around and when we jump on the trampoline, she barks at our feet underneath.
P.S. Love Ya!
Thanks for writing! It sounds like your camp was a total blast! We are using the computer at the Boston Public Library and don't have much time but wanted to write back. We'll give you a call in the next couple of days to hear about your big camping trip!
Love you!
Unkie Kimmie
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