In danger of overusing the picture collage option, but – we did cram a lot in today
Plymouth Rock
Yep, it's a rock all right. We confirmed it as a family, we took a picture. I watched a guy with a very expensive camera take a picture of the rock and so I figured he knew what he was doing so when he was done I moved into that spot to get that perfect picture of the rock... Gosh, I've tried to build up the rock thing but the fact is, it's just a rock. If you look closely there are a few pennies on it – I think they are there to help people get perspective... unless people thought it was a wishing well in which case I bet people were wishing it was a bit more interesting. A bit underwhelming. It's nothing to write home about, but I am anyway I guess...

Mayflower II
The 1:1 replica of the Mayflower is over 50 years old now. It did travel from Europe to Plymouth and has made a number of trips since to raise money and such. It was swell. They had the role playing people and all. The poor food and water, the dark and damp traveling conditions – this was not the Love boat to be sure. Maybe that's why they were so excited when they saw a rock.
Cranberry Farm
We got to see a cranberry farm – way cool! I love Cranberry juice! (and not just when I have a urinary track infection – though I do hold it especially dear during this time). There were lots of free samples too. The cranberry machine has a bounce tester – because everyone knows that every good cranberry has a bounce to it. The cranberries get 6 chances (6 strikes and your out – apparently a very liberal cranberry machine) – a bit hard to see but it's in the middle row, far right. The lady who was helping us is the lady who was on the Ocean Spray cranberry juice container for a couple years in the early 90's. All the fame went to her head and she got a big money agent who knew she was worth more and then had an injury and couldn't smile properly at the next photo shoot and then before you know it she was on the street looking for a new cranberry contract. I don't know that for sure, but it's so typical in the cranberry industry...
Hey guys!
Once again, Graham, your commentary is delightful and so you! We aren't able to see any pics this time, however, only a box within a box and a little red X. When we try to open it we get a long message about why we can't open it! Sure would love to see them. Love ya!! Mom
Now we got the pix and they are so fun.
Sorry about the technical difficulties... we're back on line
too funny....typical of the cranberry industry. I can just hear Graham saying it with a straight face. I laughed out loud. And the rock...yea that's exactly what James said when we saw it. Seriously, sounds like you are having a blast!!
miss you guys. Sara
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