Truly a case of Too much is never enough. It was great to see them again. The cousins were an excellent addition to our crew (and going from 8 to 10 kids is only a 25% add-on). The kids played in the small woods by the campground for hours and would have pretty much continuously had we let them.
If anyone was counting that makes 10 kids
The Root beer by Christian was quite good – and in Seltzer bottles too – must make dad proud. This was served in our kid-made diner in the woods.
Fine dining in the woods
Nothing comes between these two– literally. A blessing to everyone they encounter.
The tight nucleus of the family (God not shown)
Made a treck to Hickory Run State Park to a boulder field. A huge field full of boulders. I “picked rock” in fields as a kid but this one is the granddaddy!... Apparently geologists come from all around to see this field (I saw plenty of rocks but not a single geologist). These rocks made for a fun, challenging hike and much more entertaining than Plymouth rock – have I mentioned how disappointing Plymouth rock was? A glacier came through here - melted and froze, melted and froze turning a big sheet of granite into a bunch of boulders – pretty cool! (that's the simplified version in case any of those so called geologists are reading this blog)
And we ended the trip with a good dump – how can you beat that?
P.S. For our records the Mike / Graham Rodeo Golf life-time series is at 8 to 4

1 comment:
rodeo golf 8-4 lifetime, huh. First you reel me in (get me hooked), build up my confidence, then break me down. True love or tough love as I like to say. will be practicing in the off season (Rain, snow, sleat or hail) to bring those numbers up! Looks like you got the good side of me in the dump shot! Thanx
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