7/23 – arrived at the North Shore camp site. As Kim is helping me back into the site, she notices that the bikes are just about to fall off the back of the 5th wheel. I got out to find that the two should-be-horizontal posts that support the bikes are both bent way down allowing the bikes to nearly touch the ground. I called Yakima and learned that it is not recommended to put their racks on the backs of campers / trailers as it has a whip affect. Though this is not under warranty they agreed to FedEx a new bike rack out to the camp site. None of their hitches are designed for these additional stresses but the new one should allow us to get home (at least using it on the back of the truck's receiver hitch – though we will need to have the bikes in the back of the RV when traveling with that... no thanks to Erik the bike man for selling me a rack that will not work for the application) Sigh... well, we are still trying to figure out a bike solution, putting the bikes in the living room is going to get old quick. Suggestions are welcome...
7/25 Water and Boys
Boys are water magnets (and stick magnets, and dangerous area / activity magnets and so on) but especially water magnets. (Kobe especially so as he wants to do what his older brothers are doing but his ground clearance (water clearance) is not up to that of his bros. Kobe was in for his 2nd time today, 2 hikes, 2 for 2). This time in Lake Superior but he wasn't too upset, so I guess the parents can't be.... We've decided to prepare for this by having the boys get swim suits on and shirts off as we approach bodies of water. This now includes “bodies” of water such as puddles and drinking fountains. These pictures show some of our many “learning opportunities”.
Going to the bathroom...
I was wondering if we should keep count how many times the boys go to the bathroom not in a “bathroom”, but it's far too frequent of an occurrence to track. It's amazing how they have to go so badly when we are a few minutes hike from out camp site... yet even then when it's that urgent they have time to find a high rock to go from...
going the distance (or for distance) with my boys... (thankfully, no pictures here)